Mountain Sun Stout Month 2005 Beer List*

Last updated: 02.28.2005

Brewery Stout ABV Status and
Mountain Sun Down-N-Out Stout 5.0% On Tap
Our newest creation - this stout is silky smooth and extremely dark. (Watch out Guinness!). Lots of roasted and Carmel malts with over 70 pounds of rolled oats added to give this brew a nutty finish and thick, rich body. This stout is sure to please any palate.
Mountain Sun Raisin Hell Stout 5.2% On Tap
This stout made its debut at Stout Month last year and created quite a buzz. Like black velvet on your skin, this rich and slightly dry stout's smooth flavor is sure to raise goose bumps. We added copious amounts of organic flame raisins and rolled oats to enhance this unique brew's rich and silky feeling on the tongue.
Mountain Sun Chocolate Cherry Stout 7.0% Gone Already?!
Our Belgian Dip enhanced with over 4 pounds of cherries added to each keg making this carefully crafted stout taste like a cherry cordial (without all the calories).
Mountain Sun Thunderhead Stout 6.8% On Tap
This bold, rich ale is divined from the famous Maris Otter malt, two varieties of Munich malt, dark caramel malt and generous portions of both black and roasted barley. Lightly hopped, this brew allows the grains to deliver a Tootsie Roll-like flavor.
Mountain Sun Spruce Stout 5.8% Gone.
A special stout made in small batches. A favorite of stout loving Captain Cook; he surely enjoyed a few mugs to pass the time on his famous voyages. By infusing freshly cut Colorado spruce tips into this stout, we have created an extra dry stout with a hint of wintergreen. A very traditional stout made in the old west and New England coast.
Mountain Sun Zomby Woof Stout 4.4% Off Tap
Served exclusively by way of the nitro faucet, Zomby Woof is an Irish-style Dry Stout. Black as the day is long and a nice way to end it, this beer is loaded with roasted barley and black malt, with just a bit of caramel malt to round out the flavor.
Southern Sun Belgian Dip Chocolate Stout 7.0% On Nitro!!!
A hearty stout from our sister Southern Sun Brewery. Using over 30 pounds of luscious Belgian milk chocolate, we've also included 10 pounds of Belgian dark chocolate for added richness. As if this wasn't already a chocoholic's delight , we threw in a little milk sugar for extra creaminess. This stout always gets a lot of fan mail when we have it on tap.
Southern Sun Korova Cream Stout 5.1% On Nitro
This Stout is not as ultra-violent as its name might suggest. With over 5 pounds of milk sugar per barrel, it is especially smooth, but has just enough roastiness to remind you of its stout hood. The inclusion of 8 malt varieties provides a complex backdrop for the melee of creaminess that ensues.
Southern Sun Yonder Mountain Stout 7.6% On Tap
Made in honor of our local string band heroes, this stout is as complex as the jams that the Yonder boys throw down. The oatmeal imperial stout has really taken hold as a customer favorite. It has a wonderful roasty aroma and a big body that is balanced by the slickness contributed by a fair dose of flaked oats.
Bristol Brewery, CO Cherry Warlock Stout 7.0% Did I miss this one?
A derivative of Winter Warlock with over one pound of Montmorency cherries added to 750 ml of brew, then aged in Grench oak for hints of vanilla and wood. Highly carbonated, this stout finishes distinguished and dry.
Bristol Brewery, CO Caribbean Stout 7.0% Gone.
A rare sytle made with roots from the southern islands of Florida; spiced with scotch bonnet peppers and flavored with pineapple. Prepare your palate for a roller-coaster of caramel, roasted malt, chocolate, hops, hot pepper and fruit.

This stout was mistakenly placed on tap under a "Winter Warlock Outmeal Stout" handle as of 2/6/05
Bristol Brewery, CO Chocolate Milk Stout 7.0% Did I miss this one?
Started by adding traditional milk sugar to the fermenting, and a dry spice beer with real coca beans - yum, yum. This results in a full creamy stout that screams chocolate.
Rogue Brewery, OR Shakespeare Stout 6.2% On Tap
Ebony in color, a rich creamy head, mellow chocolate aftertaste - a tongue pleaser and tonsil teaser.
Dogfish Head Brewery, DE Chicory Stout 5.2% Off Tap
A dark beer made with roasted chicory coffee, St. Johns Wort and licorice root. This is a creamy, roasty, dry stout with a hint of chocolate.
Anderson Valley, CA Barney Flats Oatmeal Stout 5.7% Off Tap
Deep, dark brown color, full-bodied, velvety-smooth on the tongue, lots of mocha character with a slightly hoppy bite.
Deschutes Brewery, OR Obsidian Stout 6.7% On Tap
Smooth and black, like the volcanic rock, Obsidian Stout is a solid, satisfying beer with a rich roasted malt finish.
North Coast Brewery, CA Old Rasputin Imperial Stout 8.9% Off Tap
A Russian Imperial stout. Smooth, dark and malty.
Victory Brewery, PA Storm King Stout 9.1% Did I miss this one?
An imperial stout witha huge Pacific Northwest hoppy aroma and character up front. Storm King subsides into a massive roast malt complexity; rich and substantial. This beer will warm your heart.
Sierra Nevada Brewery, CA Sierra Nevada Stout 5.8% On Tap
Creamy, malty, full-bodied and satisfyingly rich. Caramel and black malts give this stout its deep dark color and pronounced roasted flavor.
Young's Brewery, England Double Chocolate Stout 5.0% Gone
Pale, crystal and chocolate malts combine with roasted barley, a blend of sugars, dark chocolate and chocolate essence to make this English original dessert in a glass.
Snake River Brewing Co. Zonker Stout 5.8% Did I miss this one?
A rich, well-balanced foreign-style stout with a generous amount of roasted barley. Complex hop sequencing creates superbly balanced flavor.
Grand Teton Brewery, ID Imperial Stout 9.0% Did I miss this one?
From the wilds of Idaho comes a brew worthy of its namesake mountains. Aged in Jim Beam barrels, this noteworthy stout brings memories of aged whiskey with hints of vanilla. This beer is sure to keep you warm on a cold winter night.
Lagunitas Brewery, CA Capuccino Stout 7.9% On Tap
Their original stout brewed with 20 pounds of organic Columbian coffee in each 30 barrel batch. Just in time to warm and wake you up on those cool winter evenings!
Boulevard Brewing, MO Dry Stout Velvety 5.2% On Tap
Black and perfectly opaque. This surprisingly smooth, drinkable beer is a delightful harmony of smoky roasted flavors and tangy, coffee-like notes.
Avery Brewing, CO The Czar '03 12.2% Gone
We saved a keg of last year's Czar. The molasses flavor has really intensified along with the cocoa, mocha and toffee. Flavors emerging include ripe plums, and dates. The nuances of this monster are astonishing!
Pumphouse Brewery, CO Backdraft Imperial Stout 10% Off Tap
Winner of the Silver Medal in the Imperial Stout category at the 2003 GABF, this huge beer is in your face. Flavors of black licorice and chocolate find community with the judicious amount of hops and alcohol warming.
Stone Brewery, CA Imperial Russian Stout 10.8% Gone.
This deep, dark brown stout with a dark tan head is making a surprise appearance as it is unlisted on the printout at The Mountain Sun. Dark malts and toffee aroma finish with a lingering flavor that makes this a sipping beer. Slightly sweet, but not too sweet to deter the hop-heads.
Full Sail Brewing, OR Main Sail Stout 3.8% Gone.
Yet another surprise stout! Commercial Description: Light in body and full in flavor.

* List compiled and edited from the original Mountain Sun handout.

** A very "climbingboulder-esque" evaluation by me.

Stout Evaluations:
These are the evaluations given by me (obviously, it's my website). They are extremely subjective, and are dependent upon the day of the week, my BAC, the situation in Chechnya, and other intangibles. In other words, you may completely disagree. If you do, great - more of the better stouts left for me to drink! Untapped stouts that are rated I've tried someplace else, and their ratings are subject to change without notice. Stouts without stars (or bombs) I have not yet tried.

- 4 stars
Stoutpendous! I could live off of this stout. Everytime I have one, I'm torn between ordering another and trying something else. It's so incredibly delicious and smooth that orgasmic sounds often escape my lips as I sip from the chalice of perfection.

- 3 stars
This stout is great. It's one of the stouts that makes you smile as you take the very first sip. The flavor and smoothness of the dark liquid are factors also. It's a stout that, when you're done, you say excitedly to your friends, "That was frickin' awesome! You're gonna love it." You look forward to drinking it again.

- 2 stars
A pretty nice stout. You wouldn't mind drinking the stout again after you've tried the others.

- 1 star
Nothing to write home about. You're happy you drank the stout, and enjoyed it, but probably wouldn't order it again given all the other choices.

- Bomb
This stout was a waste of time; it just plain sucked. It shouldn't even qualify as a stout. The lack of flavor and body put this stout on par with lesser beers. Not many stouts get this rating; when one does, you probably shouldn't bother even trying it.

- Untasted
This stout has never been on tap at The Mountain Sun before (at least in the last 5 or so years), and as such, I haven't had the pleasure of tasting it.

Last Year's Stout Month: Mountain Sun Stout Month 2004 Beer List
Maintained by Stefan Griebel -